The Mennonite
Family Centre has evolved and become established over time with
three primary programs.They are directed by a local Program Coordinator.
Since most clients struggle with poverty, the Centre provides all services
at no charge. Clients typically are referred by churches or by word of
mouth and are assessed as to needs. There is never a question about background
or church affiliation.
Home Care Program
This is the largest of the three programs, with currently approximately
135 clients annually. (Because the programs are directed at those in particular
need, our experience is that about 15% of the Home Care clients pass away
every year.)
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Care is the main program for the Mennonite Family Centre. This care
provider provides daily care for a bed ridden client.
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provided varies depending on needs. However, the common needs relate to
poverty, loneliness and illness. Most clients are widows, many of whom
were in their teens during WW2, and who were affected by the many displacements
and abuses of that era, and have lived lives of hardship.
Others have
a good education and have had careers as teachers or professionals, but
when health issues and careers disappeared, poverty resulted and family
members, if there were any, left for better opportunities.
Since the
average life span of a man is about 58 years, and much lower than for
women, many spouses have passed away, leaving poverty, loneliness, helplessness
and depression. However, it is remarkable how many then turned to their
faith to sustain them and which offered hope for the future.
provided include comfort care, wound dressing if required, and help with
food preparation, house or apartment cleaning, personal hygiene, and mobility.
And when a client passes away, the health care provider also helps with
funeral arrangements, preparation of the body, etc.
Many clients
live in apartments all over the city. Care providers are assigned certain
numbers of clients and use local transportation to travel within the city.
The care providers are women with a range of backgrounds in terms of careers
and skills and are women of faith, coming from Baptist, Pentecostal, and
Mennonite or Orthodox congregations.
Respite Program
The Respite program is located within the Centre and consists of 6 beds
and is run by the local Pentecostal congregation with assistance from
the Mennonite Family Centre.
The space
is provided at no charge, along with utilities and maintenance by the
Centre along with some assistance with salary costs related to this program.
Other operating costs and personnel are looked after by the Pentecostal
Many clients
can no longer stay by themselves, or have apartments or homes that are
inadequate. Some clients stay truly for respite until they return to health,
(often a month or two) while others stay for longer periods of time because
they have no other place to go. The care provided is comfort care based
on having nutritious food, warmth, a good bed to sleep in, social interaction
with others, and having a care provider on hand.
Day Program
Day Program is for people who can come to the Centre one day a week. Most
seniors use only public transportation if they leave their apartments
or homes, but for many this is too difficult. So, arrangements are made
for someone from the Centre to pick them up with our own van. Up to 8
persons are picked up every day.
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Day Program at the Mennonite Family Centre is very important for clients
still able to attend one day a week. The day begins with a light breakfast.
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events are celebrated with the Day Program clients. This is a Christmas
lunch celebration.
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There are
some clients that attend more than one day a week, and others attend just
one day each week so more can participate. They typically arrive about
8:30, have tea and a small breakfast, and then spend the time singing,
having bible study, socializing, getting their hair washed or having a
bath. A nutritious lunch is served at 12:00.
Since many
clients have very limited resources, many will eat just a portion of the
lunch, and take the rest home with them for another meal. At 3:30 they
are returned to their homes.
For many
this is such a highlight of their week. This is the only "church"
they are able to attend, and for many, the only social outlet that lets
them talk and visit with others in similar situations.
are made to make this as meaningful a time for the clients as possible,
with Bible Study leadership shared between different Pastors of various
congregations however possible. There is also an arrangement to have students
of the Technical University of Zaporizhzhya come and interact with the
clients as part of their practicum program.
There are
several other local initiatives and programs the Centre is supporting.
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small clinic in Morosovka is located within a church building, (which
was a former Mennonite school) renovated after many years of neglect.
It is now again a strong positive influence in this village.
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in Morosovka (formerly the village of Hochfeld)
This is a very poor village about a 45 minute drive north of Zaporizhzhya.
The former Mennonite school was purchased in very poor condition, and
renovated for use as a church to start a new congregation in the village.
Very early
on, the need for a small clinic was identified, and the Centre was asked
to help. As a response, one room was designated as a clinic.
The Mennonite
Family Centre was able to supply some basic equipment and appoint a "Feltscher"
or local Nurse Practitioner to open the clinic one day per week to provide
basic health care for the village. She lives in a neighboring village
and since she also works in emergency care in a Zaporizhzhya hospital,
she is often able to refer clients to a hospital if that is required.
for long term Senior's Care in Katusovka (formerly Petershagen)
The former Mennonite church in Katusovka was restored from its use as
a barn and storage building for many years, and brought back to its original
purpose in the year 2000. A new congregation was established.
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former Mennonite Church in what was then Petershagen, is again a Mennonite
Church and also houses the Katusovka seniors home for nine widows.
The Mennonite Family Centre assists then financially.
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picture of three persons are the leadership team for the Katusovka
seniors care program.
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As part of
the outreach program, a visitation program for seniors was organized by
the congregation followed by the recognition that many seniors did not
have adequate (or any) care as they got older, and a place was needed
for their care. Eventually the Pastor's apartment that had been built
into the church building was converted for use as a care facility.
There are
currently 9 widows staying here, with care being provided by some members
of this congregation and young people recruited in the area. Leadership
is provided by a volunteer worker coming from Germany. The Mennonite Family
Centre is able to provide some financial support for this initiative to
offset the food and other costs of operating this program.
for Children with Special Needs
The Mennonite Family Centre supports two programs working with children
with special needs.
Kangaroo Program of the Florence Centre
The Florence Centre came into being in 2005 through the initiative of
Otto and Florence Driedger, who spent a career as professors of Social
Services and Restorative Justice at the University of Regina, and the
initiative of Professors of Social Work of the National University of
Zaporizhzhya. This
is a non-governmental agency which is significant in Ukrainian society.
One of the
programs of the Florence Centre is the Kangaroo Program, which is a small
day care program for children with special needs. The Centre is run on
a small budget with just a few professional staff, plus many volunteers,
many of whom are students from the faculty of Social Work. Many become
acquainted with the Centre in their Practicum studies, and stay on to
The Mennonite
Family Centre participates in this work by providing funds for the rental
of an apartment which houses the "Kangaroo" program.
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is a program for children with special needs. This is run by a Parent
Council and a staff made up of Proffessionals and volunteers. The
Family Centre assists with funds to rent an apartment that houses
the program.
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This is the name of a Parent Association which sprang out of the work
of the Florence Centre. Although it may have started as a Day Care Centre
for children with special needs, it has become a learning centre for children
with special needs, run as a non-governmental agency.
Having begun
in 2011, they now have two locations. They began accepting children up
to 6 years of age and had up to 28 children in the first rented apartment.
A second apartment is being rented for children older than 6 years.
For the most
part, these are children not accepted in the public schools because of
their special needs, and children not accepted in society. Mothers are
often confined to their homes to provide care in isolation. This also
means they cannot provide for the family through holding a job.
Through the
professional help they receive by these very dedicated workers at "Promethius"
(many of whom are also volunteers), the children progress and develop
social, communication and living skills. Many who have been non-verbal
begin to interact with others. The hope is many will eventually be accepted
for integration in the public schools.
The Mennonite
Family Centre is pleased to support this local initiative by providing
funds to rent space for the program.